As Knowledge Management is an integral part of the CDSP II various informative documents were developed to provide interested persons with the basic background information on all the components of the project. These documents can be found under ‘Brochures’.
Under ‘Publications’ several additional documents are listed. These were written by third parties that visited the project during its implementation.
1. TR 01 Gender
3. TR 11 Monitoring of Results of Project Interventions
4. TR 12 Agriculture in Southeastern Coastal Chars vol 1
5. TR 13 Polder Design and Development
6. TR 14 Overview of Water Management in CDSP-II
8. TR 15b Functioning of Gates of Regulators Sluices
9. TR 16 Agricultural Khas Land Settlement
10. TR 17 Overview of the Gender Aspects
11. TR 18 cost-benefit analysis
12. TR 19 Guidelines for Environmental Impact